conscience: n.良心。 a bad [guilty] conscience 做贼心虚,深感内疚。 a good [clear] conscience 问心无愧,安然自得。 a matter of conscience良心问题。 liberty of conscience信仰自由。 for conscience(') sake 为了良心关系[问心无愧],请凭良心(做某事)。 have s
These techno - remedial solutions - often promoted by architects as challenges to public conscience - tend to discourage potential sympathizers by their reproachful tone and the sententious way the message is delivered 这类科技治疗的解决方法通常被建筑师捧为对公众道义的挑战,以责备的语气和简洁的法传递其讯息,同时也挫败了潜在同情者。